Saturday, November 24, 2007

The Second Child will be celebrating eighteen years in business, come July 2005. Amy Helgren, proprietor of the Second Child, says she was inspired after the birth of her second daughter.

Two girls born different seasons and sizes, coupled with the sheer abundance of baby gifts and accumulated "gear"... hence, the concept of The Second Child emerged!

When asked the question, "Who are your customers?" Amy responds, "Our clients are conscientious and educated consumers. We appeal to a broad range of economic levels, but what our customers do have in common is they are sensible, down to earth and generally concerned about recycling." "We don't necessarily claim to be cheap," adds Amy. "What we are is good value."

The timing was right and the concept was exciting. The store has received national recognition on NBC's The Today Show and in publications like Newsweek and Entrepreneur Magazines. Locally they've appeared in The Tribune, Suntimes, Fox Thing in the Morning and other local television news spots.

"Stop by," says Amy. "It's really more than a shopping excursion. You never know what you may find here or who you'll bump into. The store also happens to be a great resource for networking everything from baby-sitters, birthday parties or the latest in breast pumps!"